Thursday, May 13, 2010


I was watching TV a couple of weeks ago and saw two movie trailers within the span of ten minutes. One was for a film called Kick Ass and another was for the film Date Night where the Tina Fey character was bemoaning a fate of being “whacked off” by the criminal (or criminals?) chasing her and the Steve Carell character.

A film with the audacity to scream kick ass from the billboard and a trailer that producers felt would have the most impact using a none too subtle masturbatory reference? I can just imagine Nana and the bridge club ladies choking on their tea and cookies.

Either I am becoming a classic curmudgeon, or the flagrant baseness of public television, these days, has finally achieved a level that even I cannot withstand. Come on people, how about changing it up and going back for a little discretion and class? Return with me to the days of TV yore, when married couples were required to sleep in separate single beds and the word ‘pregnant’ was a hot button of broadcast debate.

Yes, opposition to the repressed and puritanical attitudes of the 1950’s was an understandable uprising, but hasn’t the pendulum swung back too far? Don't we hold simple elegance in high regard anymore? Are we fast becoming a nation of callous little perverts who have lost any concept of common decency?

Hell, I guess the only way to get through to this crass generation is to call Steve Jobs and have him install a Miss Manners app on our iPhones.

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